

<img src=kellisdibrellencinalattry.jpg alt=img T Kellis Dibrell Encinal Attorney>

T. Kellis Dibrell

After John became the Mayor, he visited many mayors in towns around the area.  When he talked to the mayor of Freer, Texas, to the east of Encinal, he told John that thier attorney was the high-powered attorney, Kellis Dibrell.  The Freer Mayor told John about Kellis.  He had been a FBI agent, 1940 - 1947, he led the voter fraud investigation in the 1948 U.S. Senate race between Lyndon Johnson and Coke Stevenson.  He had won a large court case for the city of Freer.  

This was the kind of man John wanted, he was fearless.  So, John called Kellis Dibrell and asked him to be the Encinal Attorney. John was surprised that Kellis accepted it as a gratis position, no pay position.  

John tried not to bother Kellis very often, he had a law firm in San Antonio, Dibrell, Dotson, Dibrell and Dibrell.  But when John needed Kellis, he was always responsive and helpful.  
At one point, John got the idea of creating Encinal County, breaking off from La Salle and taking some land from both La Salle and Webb counties.  Kellis asked John how he had come up with such a rich idea.  They talked about it, Kellis thought he could get it through the Texas State Senate.   But after much consideration, although it would have been good for the city and the surrounding ranches, John decided not to pursue Encinal County. 

Kellis Dibrell was a solid supporter of Mayor John Harvey and of the City of Encinal, Texas. 


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