

My Grandfather was not just a unusual person, he did unusual things. He said that one time this couple that he knew came over to visit them in Encinal, husband and wife.   He told them, “I hear that you moved to a new ranch.”  “Yeah,” the man said, “I no longer work at that other ranch, now I work at this other ranch over here.”  My grandfather said, “Okay, before you tell me anything, let me describe the ranch to you. I’ve never been there, I’ve never gone there.   But let’s see how accurate I am.”  The guy says, “Okay.” 


My Grandfather said, “Okay, you go through the front gate, over to the left there is a windmill with a cistern there.  It’s not a tank up there, it’s a ground cistern.  Corrals are over on the right and there’s the barn.  He finished describing more about the ranch and the guy says, “You’ve been there haven’t you?”  He said, “No, never been there.  I have never been to that ranch.”  The man told him, “You described it just like it is.  The only thing you got wrong is one of the gates; it’s not on left it’s on the right. But that’s pretty accurate.  Are you sure you’ve never been there?”   “Oh yeah, I’m sure.”   “Well you described it as if you had been there.” 


Not all of the ranches were the same.   They all have things located in different spots.   My Grandfather said, “But I could see that in my mind.  I could see where you said that you lived at this ranch.  A picture came to me of the ranch.  That’s why I can describe it to you.”   

One time I was reading something about the Rosicrucian and my Grandmother said, “Oh your Grandfather’s Uncle Cleto was a Rosicrucian.   She went and got a picture of him, he had a Rosicrucian Cross.  I didn't know that. 

Grandfather told me, “Anytime I want to see Ray, my son, all I have to do is think about him and I can see exactly where he is and what he is doing.  I can see him as if he’s right there.” I said, “Yeah?”  He said, “Oh yeah, I can see him.”  I remember he was telling me all of this while he was sitting on that bed where my grandmother used to sleep.  He was sitting there and I was sitting next to him on the bed.  He said, “Yeah, all I have to do is think about him up in Indianapolis and I can see exactly what he is doing.  I can see him.”    





One time I had a dream that my Grandfather and I were walking up a little hill and up ahead it looked like a cows head.  Out on the ranch, they would have the cow skeleton head, the bones with the horns lying around.  But this wasn’t a cow’s head, it was a stump but it looked like a cow’s skeleton head with two horns.  I told my grandfather “I had this dream that you and I were walking at La Bonita Ranch, some place out there, and I saw this.”  And he said, “And then what else?”   And I said, “No, that’s it.”  He said, “Okay.” 

      John's Great Great Uncle Cleto Guerra
                      from Spain

 After that I forgot about it.  It might have been a couple of weeks later when we were at La Bonita Ranch, he said to me, “Do you want to go walking over here down that little trail there?”  I said, “Okay.”   Then we started walking down the trail and around the trail and then I told him, “Hold on, this is the place.”  He said, “What place.”  I said, “This is where I had the dream, this is the dream I had.  We were going up this hill, this small little hill and right over the hill on the left there’s gong to be that stump that looks like a cow’s head.”  He said, “Okay, let’s go, let’s see.”  So we’re walking and walking.  Oh yeah, I thought, it looked real familiar.  I kept saying, “Yeah, this is it.”   I had never been there.  We were walking up, up, up.  There it was.  He says, “Is that it?”  I said, “That’s it, that’s the one.”  He said, ‘Very good.”  He said, “Yeah, that’s pretty good.”  I said, “Okay.”  And that was it.  I thought, “Wow, I can actually do this.” 

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